I have listed an early MS-DOS cam profile design program for sale on the "ORDER" page. I have had this program for many years and hate to see it just go to waste. Hopefully it can help those that want to continue learning and understanding about automotive cam profile design. It is a multiple part program consisting of a ramp design program, a profile design program, and a program that combines the opening and closing ramps and profiles to create the finished cam profile design. There is another program that will display and print the profile lift table and graphs. These programs were written in the 1980's for John Reed by Vantur Electronics, Inc. in Atlanta, Georgia. Larry A. Turner was the computer genius who wrote the programs and was a friend of John's. The programs were revised over the years with these being the last version. Reed Cams, Inc. was a major sponsor of NASCAR in the 1980's. Many of those race cars were running a Reed camshaft and also a Reed carburetor. The camshaft profiles being used at the time were all designed by this software. Remember this is before CNC machines, there is no .s96 or Landis .p file. The output file is the lift table formatted for milling a model lobe. Not to worry, the lift table can be manually programed into any CNC machine or converted into an .s96 file. Remember the lift table is the cam profile. Be sure you have the necessary computer skills to operate these old programs. No refunds. Contact me with any questions.
December 2024