This is part 3 on this topic. Go back and start at part 1. Below is a typical cam profile lift table. The lift table is really what a cam profile is all about. The actual shape of the lobe will be determined by this lift table and the tappet that is used. This shows only the opening side of the lift table. The table shows the tappet height at that degree of lobe rotation. Zero degree is the maximum lift point. Ninety-four degrees is the beginning point. Sort of the opposite of what you would think, but this is the correct layout and will make sense later.
From the lift table, the velocity, acceleration, and jerk tables can be calculated. Each of the four tables can then be graphed to give a visual chart that is easier to look at and interpret. The acceleration graph is what gets the most attention. The acceleration curve chart on the home page was created from this lift table. All of the four tables and charts show valuable information, but the lift table is the one used to make the cam profile. Like many things, people know how to do something, but do not understand why. I always want to know why. All of us know the common duration at 0.050 camshaft specification. It is accepted without much thought of why or where is really comes from. Do you know the duration at 0.050 from this lift table? If you look down the lift column, find the closest number to 0.050. It is 0.0502788. The degree related to this number is 66. That means at 66-degrees from maximum lift the tappet lift is 0.0502788. The exact degree for 0.050 would be 66.06 from linear interpolation. Now you see why the lift table layout is this way. All of the valve timing figures are based off of maximum lift. If the closing side of this profile were the same, 66.06 would also be the degree that 0.050 tappet lift takes place. If the closing side is different (asymmetrical), the degree may be some other number. Adding these opening and closing degrees at 0.050 tappet lift equals the duration in camshaft degrees. For crankshaft degrees, which is what is published, multiply camshaft degrees by two. Remember, the crankshaft rotates twice as fast as the camshaft. These numbers will also be used to calculate the opening and closing points for the valve timing. That is why for an asymmetrical cam profile, these numbers from the lift table must be known. Now you know why. 0 0.4200000 1 0.4198850 2 0.4195400 3 0.4189650 4 0.4181600 5 0.4171250 6 0.4158601 7 0.4143653 8 0.4126406 9 0.4106862 10 0.4085022 11 0.4060888 12 0.4034464 13 0.4005754 14 0.3974762 15 0.3941494 16 0.3905959 17 0.3868165 18 0.3828125 19 0.3785850 20 0.3741358 21 0.3694665 22 0.3645793 23 0.3594766 24 0.3541612 25 0.3486360 26 0.3429046 27 0.3369709 28 0.3308390 29 0.3245139 30 0.3180007 31 0.3113052 32 0.3044337 33 0.2973929 34 0.2901904 35 0.2828341 36 0.2753327 37 0.2676954 38 0.2599321 39 0.2520534 40 0.2440706 41 0.2359955 42 0.2278409 43 0.2196199 44 0.2113466 45 0.2030356 46 0.1947023 47 0.1863625 48 0.1780327 49 0.1697300 50 0.1614721 51 0.1532769 52 0.1451628 53 0.1371486 54 0.1292531 55 0.1214954 56 0.1138944 57 0.1064687 58 0.0992368 59 0.0922166 60 0.0854250 61 0.0788782 62 0.0725911 63 0.0665770 64 0.0608476 65 0.0554124 66 0.0502788 67 0.0454511 68 0.0409312 69 0.0367175 70 0.0328051 71 0.0291854 72 0.0258463 73 0.0227722 74 0.0199441 75 0.0173400 76 0.0149365 77 0.0127169 78 0.0106757 79 0.0088146 80 0.0071388 81 0.0056538 82 0.0043632 83 0.0032667 84 0.0023599 85 0.0016333 86 0.0010727 87 0.0006597 88 0.0003725 89 0.0001874 90 0.0000799 91 0.0000262 92 0.0000054 93 0.0000004 94 0.0000000
December 2024